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Heavy oil production

Heavy oil production / V. A. Olkhovskaya, P. V. Roschin, I. A. Struchkov, V. T. Litvin, A. M. Zinoviev, C. K. Dziwornu; executive editor C. K. Dziwornu. — St. Petersburg: Publishing Press Association, 2021. — 264 p.

ISBN 978-5-91155-122-3

DOI 10.52565/9785911551223

The book contains unique information and research results in the field of enhancing the efficiency of production of high-viscosity oil (heavy oil) and natural bitumen. In order to make full use of hydrocarbon reserves, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of manifestation of non-Newtonian properties during the exploitation of oil deposits.

The book can be useful for engineers of oil companies, employees of geological services, specialists and managers of design enterprises, research organizations. The materials presented in the book will be useful for improving the quality of education for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate students in the areas of geology, development and operation of oil and gas fields.

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